vuumpet dryer


The portable pet dryer, created by vuumpet's aeronautics technology

Easy and Quick dry with 

rich wind from three nozzles



The portable pet dryer, created by vuumpet's aeronautics technology, makes rich wind from three nozzles,

Based on zero-base air technology, which draws dust and hair flying during dryness through a central filter.

Easy to Use
Portable Pet Dryer

Fast and delicate dry, it collects dust and hair that flies at the same

Smart 2 in 1 Pet Dryer


Detailed and Quick Dry

Rich wind from three nozzles

Regardless of kind and place,

you can comb and dry at the same time.

Dust filter for 
collecting hair

Dust collection function that brings flying hair and dust together through intake filter

Zero Base System

Patented technology which 

release & inhale at the same side

· Power save · 

with re-circulation of heated air

· Collects ·

re-circulated air intake and hair and dust into central filter

· vuumpet's patented ·

air circulation system

Anion Care

Deodorization and sterilization, hair care at the same time as drying

Protecting the skin and helping to deodorize and sterilize the smell Stay healthier with premium care.


※  The image above is to help you understand 

The actual Anion is not visible

Aroma Care

Special Care that helps 

companion animals healthier

Not only pleasant dry, but also good 

for skin and health

Healthy Daily Care through 

the special therapy vuumpet

Dryer + Kennel

It can be transform as 

dry room with kennel

Combine with house type vuumpet kennel and use it as dry room to increase dry efficiency for faster drying

※  vuumpet Kennel is optional 

and can be used separately from dryer.

Easy to use
Portable vuumpet dryer

Fast and delicate dry, it collects dust and hair that flies at the same 

Smart 2 in 1 Pet Dryer

Product Specification
vuumpet dry room 

Portable type vuumpet dryer which can be used for all kind companion animals

Product introduction

with 20 years of air science technology starting with semiconductor and clean room facilities, the portable type vuumpet dryer offers faster and more efficient drying through patented air flow technology

Detailed and Quick Dry

Rich wind from three nozzles

Regardless of kind and place,

you can comb and dry at the same time.

Dust filter for collecting hair

No need to worry about flying hair during dry

Dust collection function that brings flying hair and dust together through intake filter

Comfortable and Easy management.

Filter Management

After using dryer, remove the dust and hair from the filter.

To maintain product's dry performance, always manage the filter.